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URLs for WTVP Services

URLs for wtv-setup WTVP service.

URL Description Methods Supported wtv-token Present? Notes
wtv-setup:/account-disabled Takes you to a page stating that you have an "overstanding balance" ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Accounts Page to manage subscriber and extra user accounts GET ?
wtv-setup:/accounts&login=user&pass=none ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Add-user?user-count=N&AddUser=Add+User Initial page for creating an extra user on the subscriber account. Need more documentation on this GET(?) ? What purpose does "user-count" serve?
wtv-setup:/add-user-name?user-human-name-first=&user-human-name-last=&user-name=&user-password=&user-password2=&restricted-web-access=&restricted-chat-access=&email-access-denied=&messenger-access-denied=&user-can-publish=&cant-connect-past-cap=&review-only=TRUE Possibly for adding a user to a subscriber account. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Add-users ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/adjust-display-brightness?Continue=Continue "Adjusting your TV" - Brightness page GET ?
wtv-setup:/adjust-display-contrast?Continue=Continue "Adjusting your TV" - Contrast page GET ?
wtv-setup:/adjust-display-intro Intro page for "Adjusting your TV" GET ?
wtv-setup:/adjust-display-sharpness?Continue=Continue "Adjusting your TV" - Sharpness page GET ?
wtv-setup:/billing-summary ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Center-Display Page for centering the screen on the television set GET ?
wtv-setup:/choose-bg-songs Page for configuring what categories of music you want to play in the background (if background music feature is enabled) GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-junk-mail Page for configuring junk mail filter GET ?
wtv-setup:/validate-bg-song-categories Submit choices for enabled background song categories GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-bg-song-category?category=N Page for configuring what background songs you'd like enabled in each song category (which in the URL is represented by a number). Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/validate-bg-song-category Submit choices for enabled songs in a specific song category. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-self-begin ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/edit-self-password?user-password=&user-password2= ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/edit-subscriber-address Page to change home address location of the WebTV/MSN TV subscriber account GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-subscriber-card-type Probably a page that let the subscriber change their credit card type. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/edit-subscriber-password Page to change password of subscriber account GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-subscriber-phone Page to change phone number attached to subscriber account GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-access?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to manage a user's web access GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-begin?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to manage a user's settings GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-chat?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to manage a user's ability to access Chat GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-human-name?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to edit a user's first and last name GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-mail?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to manage a user's ability to access e-mail GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-messenger?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to manage a user's ability to access Messenger GET ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-name?user-id=NNNNNNNNN ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/edit-user-publish?user-id=NNNNNNNNN Page to manage a user's ability to access Page Builder GET ?
wtv-setup:/epg-zip Settigs page for configuring retrieval of TV listings through WebTV/MSN TV (ZIP code and if TV signal is from antenna or cable) ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Get ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Get-Playlist ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/images/SetupBanner.gif ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/keyboard Page for keyboard settings GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail Mail settings page GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-addressing ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/mail-advanced "Extra settings" in Mail settings GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-forwarding ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/mail-messagewatch Appears to be a page where nightly mail check can be configured GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-order Settings page to change order of how e-mail is listed GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-other-accounts ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/mail-pop3-client?Continue=Continue Page to configure external mail account for POP3 usage on your WebTV/MSN TV account GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-pop3-client-intro Intro page explaining what the POP3 mail client option does GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-pop3-client-validate?pop3_user_name=xxxx&pop3_password=xxxx&pop3_host_name=xxxx&pop3_leave_on_server=true Sets POP3 mail client settings GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-pop3-remote?Continue=Continue Page to set POP3 password so your subscriber account can be used on a POP3 client. It is speculated the page auto-fills the passwords for you by default GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-pop3-remote-intro Intro page explaining what the remote POP3 mail option does GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-pop3-remote-validate?pop3_password=xxxx&pop3_password2=xxxx Sets remote POP3 mail settings GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-remote-options Page for remote mail options - ones observed so far are reading POP3 mail from WebTV/MSN TV (POP3 mail client) and configuring your mail account for use outside of the WebTV/MSN TV service (remote POP3 mail). GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-safe-list-feature Page for configuring known senders/junk mail filter for Mail GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-safe-list-settings Page for toggling known senders feature for e-mail on/off GET ?
wtv-setup:/validate-safe-list-settings Submits subscriber/user's setting to turn known senders on/off. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/mail-sending ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/mail-signature Settings page to edit e-mail signature. Signatures apparently have a defined character limited as well GET ?
wtv-setup:/MCI-Intro ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/MCI-Splash ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/MCI-Validate-Splash?Continue=Continue ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Messenger Settings page for Messenger. GET ?
wtv-setup:/Messenger-edit-list Settings page for editing Messenger contact list GET ?
wtv-setup:/Messenger-enable Page asking subscriber/user to accept a Terms of Use to use the Messenger feature GET ?
wtv-setup:/Must-be-subscriber Shows a page stating that only the subscriber can edit subscriber information. Don't know what use it has. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Options ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/passport-serve-top ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/phone Dialing settings page GET ?
wtv-setup:/phone-basic Settings page for basic dialing options GET ?
wtv-setup:/phone-advanced Settings page for advanced dialing options GET ?
wtv-setup:/phone-call-waiting Settings page for call waiting options GET ?
wtv-setup:/phone-reset Settings page to reset dialing options GET ?
wtv-setup:/printer Settings page for printing GET ?
wtv-setup:/remove-users?user-count=N&RemoveUser=Remove+User Page to allow a subscriber to remove any users from their account GET ?
wtv-setup:/remove-users-confirm?userToRemove=xxxxxxxxx&Remove=Remove Page to confirm if the subscriber wants to remove the user accounts they selected to remove GET ?
wtv-setup:/remove-users-delete?userToRemove=xxxxxxxxx&Done=Done&Remove=Remove&really-delete=true Confirms that the subscriber wants to remove a user and performs said action GET ?
wtv-setup:/Screen Settings page for television display GET ?
wtv-setup:/Screen-border ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/serve-messenger-tou?ReviewTOU=Review+Terms+of+Use Messenger Terms of Use page GET ?
wtv-setup:/serve-promotion Page for entering in a promotion code. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/settings ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/setup User settings page GET ?
wtv-setup:/setupgames Opens a page for WebTV Plus game choices. Need more documentation on this GET ? Secret page
wtv-setup:/setupgames-update ??? ??? ? Secret page
wtv-setup:/Sound Settings page for configuring background music GET ?
wtv-setup:/Text Settings page for text size GET ?
wtv-setup:/usage-month-summary?start=xxxxxxxx&end=xxxxxxxxx ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/usage-summary ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Validate-account-disabled Related to reinstating a disabled account due to billing. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Validate-account-disabled?enter_credit_card Related to reinstating a disabled account due to billing. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/Validate-account-disabled?get_statement Related to reinstating a disabled account due to billing. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/Validate-account-disabled-change-card-number? Related to reinstating a disabled account due to billing. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Validate-account-disabled-change-card-type?subscriber-card-type=Visa Related to reinstating a disabled account due to billing. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/validate-add-user-access?restricted-web-access=unrestricted-access&Continue=Continue Has to do with setting web access options on a new user account. Assuming the "restricted-web-access" parameter is added for this URL. Displays a page for setting date of birth. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. They have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/validate-add-user-dob?restricted-chat-access=unrestricted-access&user-can-publish=1&cant-connect-past-cap=0&review-only=&new-sub-type=1&was-kids-friendly-user=&old-account-type=&dobString=01%2F01%2F1970&Continue=Continue Has to do with setting date of birth on a new user account, assuming the "dobString" parameter is added for this URL. Display a page for configuring access to certain services (Chat, Messenger, Page Builder, etc.) Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. Most have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/add-user-mail Page for configuring if a new user account can use e-mail. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. They have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/add-user-chat Page for configuring if a new user account can use the Chat feature. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. They have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/add-user-publish Page for configuring if a new user account can use Page Builder. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. They have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/add-user-messenger Page for configuring if a new user account can use Messenger. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. They have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/validate-add-user-communication-access?user-human-name=xxxx&user-human-name-last=xxxx&user-name=xxxx&user-password=xxxx&user-password2=xxxx&restricted-web-access=unrestricted-access&restricted-chat-access=unrestricted-access&email-access-denied=&Continue=Continue Has to do with setting access settings for a new user account. Displays page for setting first and last name on a new user. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. Most appear to be removed in this sample
wtv-setup:/validate-add-user-human-name?user-human-name-first=xxxx&user-human-name-last=xxxx&Continue=Continue Has to do with setting first and last name for a new user account. Displays page for if you want to attach an existing Passport account for your new user or whatever it was before Passport integration was added. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. Most appear to be removed in this sample
wtv-setup:/passport-validate-existing-email This handles adding a Passport account to the new user account. Need more documentation on this GET ? Other query parameters are sent on this URL. They have been removed for readability and brevity
wtv-setup:/validate-edit-subscriber-human-name?user-human-name-first=xxxxx&user-human-name-last=xxxxx Validates update to subscriber account's first and last name. Need more documentation on this GET ? Probably more query parameters involved with this
wtv-setup:/Validate-junk-mail?block_Junk_mail=true Submits subscriber/user's setting to turn junk mail filter on/off. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/validate-mail-sending?mail_reply_to=xxxxx ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/validate-mail-signature?mail_signature= Submits subscriber/user's mail signature. Need more documentation on this GET ?
wtv-setup:/validate-messenger-tou URL that when accessed, verifies that the user read the Messenger Terms of Use. Need more documentation on this GET ? The URL from the TOU page appears to be submitted with a lot of query parameters that for the sake of brevity have not been included.
wtv-setup:/Validate-Must-be-subscriber?subscriber-only-done ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/Validate-Must-be-subscriber?subscriber-only-switch-user ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/validate-promotion-confirmation?any-promotions=&promotion-code=trplay&Continue=Continue Possibly related to promotions. Need more documentation on this ??? ?
wtv-setup:/phone-access-number ??? ??? ?
wtv-setup:/messenger-info Messenger info page GET ?