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Service Name Description Common Ports Supports SECURE method?
wtv-log Usage logging/telemetry services 1609 Yes
wtv-mail E-mail services 1608 Yes
mailto mailto -> wtv-mail proxy service. Goes to the "Write an e-mail" page with the email address field pre-filled 1608 Yes
wtv-music Service that hosts music content for WebTV/MSN TV background music 1656 Yes
wtv-news Hosts Discuss (newsgroup) services for WebTV/MSN TV 1605 Yes
news Newsgroup URI proxy. Redirects newsgroup requests to WebTV/MSN TV's own Discuss service 1605 Yes
wtv-notices Unknown 1622 ?
wtv-onair Unknown 1648 ?
wtv-partner Unknown 1638
wtv-passport Authentication for Passport accounts within WebTV/MSN TV. Currently only seen in use for Messenger login process 1654 Yes