System messages
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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
vector-intro-page (talk) (Translate) | Help:Introduction |
vector-jumptocontent (talk) (Translate) | Jump to content |
vector-jumptonavigation (talk) (Translate) | Jump to navigation |
vector-jumptosearch (talk) (Translate) | Jump to search |
vector-language-button-aria-label (talk) (Translate) | Go to an article in another language. Available in {{PLURAL:$1|$1 language|$1 languages}} |
vector-language-button-label (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|$1 language|$1 languages}} |
vector-language-redirect-to-top (talk) (Translate) | On this {{SITENAME}} the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [[#p-lang-btn|Go to top]]. |
vector-language-variant-switcher-label (talk) (Translate) | Change language variant |
vector-languages (talk) (Translate) | Languages |
vector-main-menu-tooltip (talk) (Translate) | Main menu |
vector-more-actions (talk) (Translate) | More |
vector-no-language-button-aria-label (talk) (Translate) | This article exist only in this language. Add the article for other languages |
vector-no-language-button-label (talk) (Translate) | Add languages |
vector-opt-out (talk) (Translate) | Switch to old look |
vector-opt-out-tooltip (talk) (Translate) | Change your settings to go back to the old look of the skin (legacy Vector) |
vector-search-loader (talk) (Translate) | Loading search suggestions |
vector-searchsuggest-containing (talk) (Translate) | Search for pages containing <strong class="cdx-typeahead-search__search-footer__query">$1</strong> |
vector-site-nav-label (talk) (Translate) | Site |
vector-skin-desc (talk) (Translate) | Provides 2 Vector skins: * 2011 - The Modern version of MonoBook with fresh look and many usability improvements. * 2022 - The Vector built as part of the WMF [[mw:Desktop Improvements]] project. |
vector-specialversion-name (talk) (Translate) | Vector |
vector-toc-beginning (talk) (Translate) | Beginning |
vector-toc-collapsible-button-label (talk) (Translate) | Toggle the table of contents |
vector-toc-heading (talk) (Translate) | Contents |
vector-toc-menu-tooltip (talk) (Translate) | Table of Contents |
vector-toc-toggle-button-label (talk) (Translate) | Toggle $1 subsection |
vector-toc-toggle-position-sidebar (talk) (Translate) | move to sidebar |
vector-toc-toggle-position-title (talk) (Translate) | hide |
vector-view-create (talk) (Translate) | Create |
vector-view-edit (talk) (Translate) | Edit |
vector-view-history (talk) (Translate) | View history |
vector-view-view (talk) (Translate) | Read |
vector-view-viewsource (talk) (Translate) | View source |
vector.css (talk) (Translate) | /* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */ |
vector.js (talk) (Translate) | /* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */ |
verification-error (talk) (Translate) | This file did not pass file verification. |
version (talk) (Translate) | Version |
version-antispam (talk) (Translate) | Spam prevention |
version-api (talk) (Translate) | API |
version-credits-not-found (talk) (Translate) | No detailed credits information was found for this extension. |
version-credits-summary (talk) (Translate) | We would like to recognize the following persons for their contribution to [[Special:Version|MediaWiki]]. |
version-credits-title (talk) (Translate) | Credits for $1 |
version-db-mariadb-url (talk) (Translate) | |
version-db-mysql-url (talk) (Translate) | |
version-db-percona-url (talk) (Translate) | |
version-db-postgres-url (talk) (Translate) | |
version-db-sqlite-url (talk) (Translate) | |
version-editors (talk) (Translate) | Editors |
version-entrypoints (talk) (Translate) | Entry point URLs |
version-entrypoints-api-php (talk) (Translate) | [ api.php] |
version-entrypoints-articlepath (talk) (Translate) | [$wgArticlePath Article path] |